Clarke House
Danville, Virginia
We had the repeat pleasure of working with Old House Life - Michelle Bowers... This time the house was on 218 Jefferson Ave and is known as the Clarke House for resident Frederick A. Clarke, a Danville druggist born in NY on Halloween 1852. But, the mystery of the house centers around his wife, Ellen. Ellen is described on her 1921 passport application as having a round face with a small nose and round chin, gray eyes and dark hair. She was only five feet tall. Despite their large family, Ellen is the one believed to haunt the home. Like a story from a sweeping romantic novel, a note from a Mr. R. Jones inviting Ellen to an 1868 Sutherlin Mansion event in Danville, before the Clarke House was built, was recently discovered inside a corset box that was hidden in the eves of the attic. One has to wonder if this mysterious note was important enough for Ellen to hide it out of sight in the attic of her and her husband’s home.
1 Investigation at this location: